Hilda Bradney, author of Do Angels Wear Overalls?, will be at our East Earl store on Saturday, December 16, from 10:00 to 11:30 am.

Now living in New Holland, PA, Hilda Bradney has lived in many places across the globe, first as a missionary child, then as a missionary with her husband, as part of the Assemblies of God.
Her book, Do Angels Wear Overalls?, is filled with stories and reminiscences from her life. As a child, she lived in India and Australia with her parents and sisters (her parents were British-born missionaries). She attended college in the United States, where she met Bill Bradney. After their wedding, they became missionaries with the Assemblies of God in a number of places, especially in Costa Rica and then in Paraguay.
Over the years, Hilda has seen God work in powerful ways, answering prayers for salvation, deliverance from danger, and healing from injuries and illnesses. Her book is filled with stories of His intervention in her life, in the lives of her family, and in the lives of friends and neighbors.