Amidst the tumult of World War II, the Martins chose to relocate to the Paraguayan Chaco, spurred by the advent of conscription, rationing, and school legislation in the US.
Paraguay Elmer tells of their transition to their new homeland in a compilation of letters, memoirs, and a narrative of their excursion.
Quote from the Ephrata Review: "In their new home they hope to escape dairy inspectors who enforce compliance with new-fangled sanitary regulations, school boards which tell them where and how long to send their children to school, and draft boards that take the older boys for military service. All this, they say, has been promised them by the Paraguayan government, which has thus far kept its word with the Canadian and a few American, and Russian Mennonites..."
- Edited and compiled by Isaac J. Lowry and Daniel A. Lowry
- Format: hardcover
- Publication Date: 2014
- Number of Pages: 306
- Printed on acid-free paper
- Printed in the USA