This rendition of the classic tale, The Gingerbread Man, is sure to delight young children. It is filled with delightful rhymes, illustrations, and humor.
In this story, an elderly man and woman decide to make a gingerbread man, but to their dismay, the cookie pops out of the oven and runs away. They race after him, but the cookie shouts, "No! No! I won't come back! I'd rather run than be your snack!"
The gingerbread man runs from everyone who chases after him...a butcher, a cow, a pig...until a sly fox tricks him and gobbles him up. When all the pursuers catch up, they stand fuming as the fox licks its lips, leaving not even a crumb for anyone else.
- Author: Jim Aylesworth
- Illustrator: Barbara McClintock
- Format: board book
- Number of Pages: 32
- Grades: Pre-K - K
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