We live in a world with competing voices about what it means to love and to be loving. What does it mean that Jesus was known for love? We want to be like Him - known for love - but that can quickly become confusing when feelings, family, and dear friends come into the picture. In Known for Love, author and pastor Casey Hough provides a biblical and theological framework for thinking through the hard situations we encounter with family and friends. Drawing from a well of faithful biblical scholars, Hough provides insights for everyday Christians living in a sexually broken world.
What did Jesus say, if anything, about homosexuality?
Should we refer to people as "gay" Christians?
Should Christians attend the wedding of a gay marriage?
Should I welcome my same sex attracted child and partner to my home?
How do I love my daughter who now believes she's my son?
Along with answering these important questions, Hough gives us a framework that helps us think through future scenarios that we will likely encounter. If you want to cultivate a heart for God and others that upholds truth, a heart that is marked by compassion and love, a heart that strengthens you and others in the gospel, you will welcome this essential and timely resource.
- Written by Casey B. Hough
- 208 pages
- Paperback
- 5.5" 8.5"