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Jumbo Dutch Blitz Cards

Dutch Blitz

Regular price $229.99 SALE

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Good's SKU # 08270696

UPC/ISBN # 08270696

Take the fast-paced game of Dutch Blitz to a new level with Jumbo Dutch Blitz Cards! These giant cards are meant to be played in teams on a large playing surface, like a gym. Play with the usual rules of classic Dutch Blitz.

Notes: Jumbo cards are shown next to regular sized Dutch Blitz cards for comparison, regular cards not included.

  • Cards are 9 x 13 inches
  • Ideal for camps, schools, youth groups, and families
  • As known as "Human Dutch Blitz"

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

Do these cards come in a carrying box or bag? can you put a picture on here to show that?

Not overpriced

For the reviewer (SN) who said "is it just me or are these outrageously priced": yes it is just you! You obviously have no concept of how much things actually cost. I was looking for a set of these to purchase for my Amish friends because they asked me to make them similar cards; but between the laminating sheets, printer ink, cardstock, and labor/time to design, print and laminate 160 cards I would have to charge them $300 just to break even!! Now that is an outrageous price that I couldn't fathom charging them, so $180 with free shipping is actually a pretty good deal for these!

Way over priced

Is it me or is this outrageously priced? I would be willing to pay 50 maybe $60 but that’s it!! The normal cards are $10-$15, can’t be that big a difference.